Zeenat Vahed !!!!!
[00:53, 02/12/2014] Zeenath Vahed: I am a mother of 4 kids. My weight
gain was due to skipping meals and making poor dietary choices. At 63kg I
looked overweight for my height of 1.53m. I carried most of the weight
on my mid-section. I was always tired,had bad skin and faced health
challenges. I got onto the Herbalife Program and...
I LOST 13kg IN 13 WEEKS!!!
My body fat went from 31% to an incredible 20%! I feel energetic every
single day and able to cope with my 4 very active kids. I have overcome
my health challenges and my skin looks amazing! Family and friends have
noticed my fantastic product results which prompted me to help others
achieve their lifestyle goals. I am now a wellness coach helping and
inspiring people in my community.
[00:55, 02/12/2014] Sakz 0765271432: Mashallah! Wot an achievement
may allah grow u and ur family from strength 2 strength and may u
continue to inspire and change people lives with ur story! Ameen
[01:05, 02/12/2014] Zeenath Vahed: Sakz you just keep waving your
Herbalife wand with that magic fairy dust of yours and continue changing
us pumpkins into beautiful princesses
[01:06, 02/12/2014] Lyndasharland: Slmz. Zeenat. Well said.
[01:08, 02/12/2014] Lyndasharland: Ameen.
[01:09, 02/12/2014] Sakz Shaik: 💫💫 Zee we are Agents of Change let's make lots Fairies out there!!!!! For sure💫