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Monday, 7 April 2014
11 January 2012 at 04:31
By Dr. Tony Vendryes
THE NEW year offers us the opportunity to clean up our bodies. A great way to start the year is to give your system a cleansing in the month of January.
We live in a toxic world. The food we eat, the water we drink and bathe in, the air we breathe and the substances we apply to our skin and hair each day are all potential sources of harmful chemicals generally referred to as toxins. In addition, our body's own metabolism naturally produces wastes that may also be toxic if not effectively eliminated.
These toxic substances can build up in the body, recirculate in the bloodstream or get stored in the liver, body fat or in other areas. Although the body has its own built-in cleansing systems, these may become overwhelmed by our increased exposure to environmental toxins. There are several programmes geared toward assisting the body in removing these toxic chemicals and there are various body systems that these cleansing programmes focus on.
These include the colon, bloodstream, liver, gallbladder, skin, lymphaticsystem, lungs and kidneys. Here are some simple cleansing techniques for the skin and lymphatic system that you can do for yourself.
Skin cleanse
The skin is the largest organ in the body and plays a major role in cleansing. The skin both breathes and sweats and in so doing, releases toxins from the body. If the skin does not eliminate efficiently, a backlog of impurities will accumulate and a skin cleanse helps to remove these wastes.
Air and sun baths
In addition to regular bathing, exposing the skin to fresh air and sunshine can be very helpful in increasing the skin's ability to eliminate toxins.
This should be done in a bathing suit or in minimal clothing to expose a large area of skin. Twenty to thirty minutes in the morning or afternoon sun each day is great for an air/sun bath. Do not use sunblock, drink lots of water and avoid the very hot hours.
Skin brushing
Skin brushing with a natural bristle brush or loofa is a very good way to promote elimination of wastes from the skin and to improve the overall health of the skin. Brush all parts of your body except the sensitive areas, starting at the periphery and moving to the centre of the body. This can be done while sunbathing and before showering.
Detox bath
A very simple cleansing bath can be performed as follows: Fill the bathtub with hot, unchlorinated water. If no unchlorinated water is available, add two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (three per cent) to the bathwater.
Add two cups of baking soda to neutralise the acidic toxins and two cups of Epsom salts to help draw toxins out of the body. Soak in the tub for half hour and drink a lot of hot green tea while in the bath. The now popular foot-detox bath is also a useful technique.
Sauna Cleanse
The use of a sauna can be a powerful tool for detoxification. I particularly recommend an infrared sauna, which is easier to tolerate while providing a more effective cleanse than ordinary saunas.
The temperature should be high enough to work up a good sweat in 10 to 15 minutes, but low enough that you can stay in there for 30 to 40 minutes. You may need to experiment with the temperature adjustments and drink lots of water. Take a shower using natural soap after the sauna.
Ocean- or mineral- bath cleanse
This cleanse can be done if you have access to a sauna near the ocean or a mineral bath. Bathe in the ocean or mineral bath for five to 10 minutes. Then sit in the sauna until you sweat (10 to 15 minutes). Repeat the process two or three times and then shower with fresh water. If a sauna is not available, you may sit in the sunshine instead.
Lymphatic-system cleanse
The lymphatic system is an important part of the body's circulation that transports nourishment to the cells while removing wastes. The lymph vessels deliver the lymphatic fluid to the lymph nodes where toxins are neutralised and germs destroyed. Lymph cleanses are particularly recommended during or after acute illnesses or after an extended period of inactivity.
Because deep breathing and movement helps keep the lymphatic fluid moving, regular exercise is an excellent way to keep the lymphatic system from stagnating. Exercising on a trampoline, a technique called rebounding is a particularly effective way to stimulate the lymphatic circulation. Deep-breathing exercises (e.g. yoga breathing techniques) are powerful tools in keeping the lymphatic fluid moving.
A whole-body massage is another great way to revive a stagnant lymphatic system. A special massage technique called lymphatic drainage is particularly effective.
Individuals with severe toxicity may require an experienced practitioner to supervise a deeper cleanse involving colon hydrotherapy, liver detox and blood purification. It is important to balance these treatments with a good nutritional programme and adequate digestive support. I recommend the cellular-nutrition programme, with a patented aloe vera drink and probiotic tablets
While a thorough cleansing can be extremely healing, it is of little use if the individual continues to pollute his/her body with a poor diet, alcohol, tobacco and other legal and illegal drugs. A healthy lifestyle is the most basic way to detox.
You may email Dr Tony Vendryes at or listen to 'An Ounce of Prevention' on POWER 106FM on Fridays at 8 p.m. His new book 'An Ounce of Prevention, Especially for Women' is available locally and on the Internet
11 January 2012 at 04:31
By Dr. Tony Vendryes
THE NEW year offers us the opportunity to clean up our bodies. A great way to start the year is to give your system a cleansing in the month of January.
We live in a toxic world. The food we eat, the water we drink and bathe in, the air we breathe and the substances we apply to our skin and hair each day are all potential sources of harmful chemicals generally referred to as toxins. In addition, our body's own metabolism naturally produces wastes that may also be toxic if not effectively eliminated.
These toxic substances can build up in the body, recirculate in the bloodstream or get stored in the liver, body fat or in other areas. Although the body has its own built-in cleansing systems, these may become overwhelmed by our increased exposure to environmental toxins. There are several programmes geared toward assisting the body in removing these toxic chemicals and there are various body systems that these cleansing programmes focus on.
These include the colon, bloodstream, liver, gallbladder, skin, lymphaticsystem, lungs and kidneys. Here are some simple cleansing techniques for the skin and lymphatic system that you can do for yourself.
Skin cleanse
The skin is the largest organ in the body and plays a major role in cleansing. The skin both breathes and sweats and in so doing, releases toxins from the body. If the skin does not eliminate efficiently, a backlog of impurities will accumulate and a skin cleanse helps to remove these wastes.
Air and sun baths
In addition to regular bathing, exposing the skin to fresh air and sunshine can be very helpful in increasing the skin's ability to eliminate toxins.
This should be done in a bathing suit or in minimal clothing to expose a large area of skin. Twenty to thirty minutes in the morning or afternoon sun each day is great for an air/sun bath. Do not use sunblock, drink lots of water and avoid the very hot hours.
Skin brushing
Skin brushing with a natural bristle brush or loofa is a very good way to promote elimination of wastes from the skin and to improve the overall health of the skin. Brush all parts of your body except the sensitive areas, starting at the periphery and moving to the centre of the body. This can be done while sunbathing and before showering.
Detox bath
A very simple cleansing bath can be performed as follows: Fill the bathtub with hot, unchlorinated water. If no unchlorinated water is available, add two tablespoons of hydrogen peroxide (three per cent) to the bathwater.
Add two cups of baking soda to neutralise the acidic toxins and two cups of Epsom salts to help draw toxins out of the body. Soak in the tub for half hour and drink a lot of hot green tea while in the bath. The now popular foot-detox bath is also a useful technique.
Sauna Cleanse
The use of a sauna can be a powerful tool for detoxification. I particularly recommend an infrared sauna, which is easier to tolerate while providing a more effective cleanse than ordinary saunas.
The temperature should be high enough to work up a good sweat in 10 to 15 minutes, but low enough that you can stay in there for 30 to 40 minutes. You may need to experiment with the temperature adjustments and drink lots of water. Take a shower using natural soap after the sauna.
Ocean- or mineral- bath cleanse
This cleanse can be done if you have access to a sauna near the ocean or a mineral bath. Bathe in the ocean or mineral bath for five to 10 minutes. Then sit in the sauna until you sweat (10 to 15 minutes). Repeat the process two or three times and then shower with fresh water. If a sauna is not available, you may sit in the sunshine instead.
Lymphatic-system cleanse
The lymphatic system is an important part of the body's circulation that transports nourishment to the cells while removing wastes. The lymph vessels deliver the lymphatic fluid to the lymph nodes where toxins are neutralised and germs destroyed. Lymph cleanses are particularly recommended during or after acute illnesses or after an extended period of inactivity.
Because deep breathing and movement helps keep the lymphatic fluid moving, regular exercise is an excellent way to keep the lymphatic system from stagnating. Exercising on a trampoline, a technique called rebounding is a particularly effective way to stimulate the lymphatic circulation. Deep-breathing exercises (e.g. yoga breathing techniques) are powerful tools in keeping the lymphatic fluid moving.
A whole-body massage is another great way to revive a stagnant lymphatic system. A special massage technique called lymphatic drainage is particularly effective.
Individuals with severe toxicity may require an experienced practitioner to supervise a deeper cleanse involving colon hydrotherapy, liver detox and blood purification. It is important to balance these treatments with a good nutritional programme and adequate digestive support. I recommend the cellular-nutrition programme, with a patented aloe vera drink and probiotic tablets
While a thorough cleansing can be extremely healing, it is of little use if the individual continues to pollute his/her body with a poor diet, alcohol, tobacco and other legal and illegal drugs. A healthy lifestyle is the most basic way to detox.
You may email Dr Tony Vendryes at or listen to 'An Ounce of Prevention' on POWER 106FM on Fridays at 8 p.m. His new book 'An Ounce of Prevention, Especially for Women' is available locally and on the Internet
6 March 2012 at 06:08
By. Dr. Tony VendryesModern drugs have benefitted mankind in many ways. However, while pharmaceuticals can save lives, many of them have serious side effects, like heart attacks or suicide. It is very important to remember that all drugs - every single one of them, have side effects. Many drugs are known to actually have toxic effects on various organs like the liver or the kidneys or the brain. But did you know that many other side effects result from the ability of these drugs to rob the body of important vitamins and minerals.
Experts estimate that about 30% of the side effects of pharmaceuticals are the direct result of these drug-induced nutrient deficiencies. In other words, a drug steals nutrients from your body, and this lack of nutrients causes additional side effects. The drug acts like an “anti-vitamin pill,” taking away the substances you need for good health. Thus, nutrient depletion caused by the drugs is often directly responsible for many of the side effects associated with pharmaceuticals.
Among the most common nutrient stealing drugs are oral contraceptives (birth control pills), cholesterol-lowering drugs (statins), and the antibiotics. These and many other medications, both over-the-counter and prescription, can interfere with your body’s ability to digest, absorb, manufacture, or utilise certain nutrients, leading to “side effects. Let me specifically explain which popular drugs deplete vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients from the body.
This is usually a combination of synthetic estrogen and progestin used to prevent pregnancy by suppressing ovulation.
Taking this pill may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere with the actions of folic acid, magnesium, tyrosine, riboflavin niacin (B3), vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C and zinc.
ALUMINUM ANTACIDS (Maalox®, Mylanta®)
Aluminum containing antacids are popular over-the-counter remedies for heartburn, designed to neutralize excess stomach acid and prevent it from burning the esophagus.
The use of aluminum antacids may deplete your supply of and increase your need for vitamin A, folic acid, vitamin D, calcium, chromium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and zinc.
CHOLESTEROL DRUGS - Simvastatin (Zocor®)
Simvastatin is just one of a long list of the “statin” family of drugs used to reduce cholesterol and blood fats.
Taking the statin drugs may deplete your supply of and increase your need for coenzyme Q10 (researchers believe that the long-term use of statin drugs may cause heart failure due to the reduction of coenzyme Q10 levels in the muscles of the heart), beta-carotene and vitamin E,
ANTIBIOTICS - Ciprofloxacin (Cipro®)
Ciprofloxacin is a popular antibacterial agent used to treat infections of the urinary and respiratory tracts, sinuses, and other areas of the body.
Taking this antibiotic may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere with the activity of biotin, inositol, thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin K, zinc plus the healthy bacteria like Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus acidophilus.
DIABETES MEDS – Glucovance®
This is a combination of two drugs used to treat diabetes: glyburide stimulates the pancreas to produce larger amounts of insulin, while metformin helps to remove excess glucose from the blood.
Taking these medicines may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere with the activity of vitamin B12, folic acid, sodium and coenzyme Q10
STOMACH MEDS - Prilosec®, Zantac®
Drugs like Prilosec interfere with the secretion of hydrochloric acid by the cells in the stomach lining and are now considered first-line treatment for heartburn and other symptoms of acid reflux disease (GERD).
The use of this medicine may deplete your supply of and increase your need for beta-carotene, folic acid, thiamin, vitamin B12, iron, sodium and zinc.
Prozac is the first in a family of drugs to treat depression, obsessive-compulsive disorder and panic disorder. These drugs are called selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), and works by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain.
Taking this medication may deplete your supply of the hormone melatonin normally produced by the pineal gland in the brain.
BLOOD PRESSURE DRUGS - (Micardis®, Diovan ®)
These ‘sartan’ drugs are prescribed to lower elevated blood pressure and are all used in combination with a diuretic hydrochlorothiazide,
Taking these medicines may deplete your supply of, increase your need for, or interfere with the activity of magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc and coenzyme Q10. Sadly, many of these nutrients are important in normalizing blood pressure.
ANTICONVULSANTS - Phenytoin (Dilantin®)
Phenytoin is used to treat various types of epileptic seizures, and to prevent seizures in people who have had brain surgery or a head injury.
This drug may deplete your supply of or interfere with the action of biotin, folic acid, thiamin, vitamin B12, vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium, phosphorus and carnitine.
STEROIDS - Prednisone
Prednisone is used to treat inflammatory problems of the skin, joints, eyes, respiratory tract, gastrointestinal tract, and other parts of the body. It may also be used in organ transplants to prevent rejection.
Taking this well known medicine may deplete your supply of or increase your need for vitamin A, vitamin B6, folic acid, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin K, calcium, magnesium, potassium, selenium and zinc.
First: try to take the least amount of drugs necessary. I suggest that you have a frank discussion with your health care provider on this matter.
Second: select foods that are rich in the nutrients depleted by prescription drugs you are taking. This provides another way to avert pharmaceutical-induced nutrient deficiencies.
Third: Take adequate amounts of the appropriate nutritional supplements with your meals to replace what has been lost or made deficient. Again I recommend the Cellular Nutrition Program by HERBALIFE.
A goldmine of information on many other drugs and the nutrients they deplete is available in The Side Effects Bible by Dr. Frederic Vagnini, and Dr. Barry Fox.
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Income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation paid by Herbalife at and
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.
Johanna S.
Ponce, PR
When I first started to consume Herbalife in Oct/12, I was 329 pounds, suffering of very low energy, wasn't happy at all with the way I looked & felt. I didn't have the daily strength I needed to go by, and do my work. Ever since I met Herbalife, my whole life changed. Now I have the best energy, the greatest nutrition, LOST 82 POUNDS SO FAR. I'm a whole new person in Herbalife. It's been so great, that I opened my own Nutrition Club less than a year ago, helping over 40 people a day, having great results for them, & my income it's improving every day. Herbalife is like in my life is like the name of my Nutrition Club it's my HEALTHY LIFESTYLE.
Income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation paid by Herbalife at and
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.
Randy and Sharlene F.
Honolulu, HI
Great friends introduced us to the benefits of Herbalife nutritional products in January 2013. Since then we've lost over 50lbs between the two of us and feel much healthier as a result! We've also gained numerous new friends through our affiliation with Herbalife and are loving every minute of it!
Income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation paid by Herbalife at and
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.
Infographic: Tracking Down the Salt In Food
By The Health is Wealth Team • March 28, 2014 • Simple Health
How much salt
should I have in my diet? Which foods contain salt? Find out the answers
to these questions and more in this infographic, courtesy of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Ask the Doctors: Should I Take a Multivitamin?
By Dr. Andrew Myers • March 14, 2014 • Your Questions Answered
I eat a relatively healthy diet. Do I need to take a multivitamin?
There are three supplements I recommend to almost everyone, including healthy eaters: a multivitamin, Omega-3s and vitamin D. I take these every day, and chances are they are a good option for you, too. I’ll focus specifically on the multivitamin, since that’s what you asked about; you can also read other articles I’ve written on vitamin D and Omega-3s.
Some people believe that if they’re eating a healthy diet, they’re getting all of the nutrients their bodies need to function optimally. There are two reasons they are likely wrong:
1. Most people aren’t getting as many nutrients as they think they are.
The USDA website recommends that half of your plate consists of fruits and vegetables for every meal and that you eat vegetables from five different subgroups each week. The site also suggests that a person should eat 8 ounces of cooked seafood weekly, meat choices should be lean or low-fat, half of all grains eaten should be whole grains, and dairy should be fat-free or low-fat.
I invite you to track your food and see if you’re following all of that advice. If you are, great! But it’s more likely that you’re not always getting as balanced of a diet as you should—and, if you’re like most Americans, there are times when you reach for foods that are relatively low in nutrients. Do you eat fast food? Does the jelly you put on your morning toast have added sugar? Do you ever reach for crackers or a cookie instead of a whole-food snack like a banana? You’re probably starting to get the idea: Most people actually aren’t getting the amount of nutrients they need for their bodies to function optimally.
2. Our stressful lifestyles increase our nutritional needs.
From demanding jobs to hectic after-school schedules, ours is a culture that values busy. But busyness is taking a toll on our bodies and increasing nutritional needs. And if you’re getting more than 30 minutes of moderate exercise per day, you need more nutrients than the recommended amount. Even if you’re eating a great diet, you likely need to be getting more protein, fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat dairy than the recommended amount to make up for the extra nutritional needs caused by lifestyle.
The bottom line: Why not optimize your nutrition by eating well and taking good-quality supplements that give your body nutrients to work with? Adding a multivitamin to a good diet makes the body work even more efficiently.
How can I lower my blood pressure?
By Dr. Lou Ignarro • February 24, 2014 • Your Questions Answered
Blood pressure greatly impacts heart health, so lowering it can be an important part of preventing or reversing heart disease. First, let’s look at what blood pressure is, and then I’ll offer some strategies for lowering your numbers.
The term “blood pressure” is used so frequently that it’s easy to overlook what it means. It’s actually pretty simple: Blood pressure is the pressure placed on the arteries as blood flows through them. The less flexible your arteries are, the harder the force against the arterial wall as blood moves through the vessels. Plaque buildup, sticky blood, inflammation—all of these make it harder for the blood to flow efficiently. That means your heart has to work harder to pump your blood, which puts more strain on the heart.
Improving the health of the endothelium is critical to lowering blood pressure. Your body contains 6 trillion endothelial cells that line 100,000 miles of blood vessels in a single layer; that continuous layer throughout the vascular system (the arteries, veins and capillaries) makes up the endothelium. The main job of the endothelium is to create the signaling molecule Nitric Oxide (NO), the most important molecule in the entire cardiovascular system. When the endothelium is healthy, it releases NO, which helps keep the blood vessels flexible, reduces inflammation, and causes the blood vessels to dilate, or widen, among other benefits.
Most of us have tried to blow up a long, thin balloon before—the kind balloon artists use to make animals and funny hats for children. If you take one right out of the bag, put it to your mouth, and attempt to blow it up, not much happens. But if you manually stretch the balloon with your hands to open it up and make it more elastic and flexible, and then attempt to blow it up again, what occurs? The balloon easily inflates.
Considering the balloon as a blood vessel and your breath as blood is a good analogy of a dysfunctional vessel. It’s incredibly difficult for blood to flow through a nearly closed, rigid vessel. Similarly, as stretching the balloon helps to inflate it, a healthy endothelium helps the blood vessel maintain elasticity and relaxes the muscular layer so the vessel can stretch to accommodate and respond to blood flow and pressure. The presence of NO causes the vessel to relax and contract as needed.
If you’re looking to improve the health of your endothelium and lower your blood pressure at the same time, here are some steps you can take:
- Exercise regularly. The CDC recommends 150 minutes of exercise per week, which figure out to about 30 minutes, five times weekly. Exercise creates shear stress on the endothelial wall, which stimulates NO production.
- Get your nutrients. A healthy diet is necessary to endothelial health. I recommend the Mediterranean diet because of the extensive research that proves it can prevent or reverse disease. Supplementing with endothelial-supportive nutrients like arginine, citrulline, vitamin E, vitamin C, and others can give your endothelium the nutritional boost it needs to function at its peak.
- Reduce stress levels. Too much distress over a long period of time—known as chronic stress—can have terrible effects. An in-depth study conducted by the University of Helsinki showed that “both chronic and acute stress may exert an effect on atherosclerosis in subjects with impaired endothelial responses.” On the other hand, reducing stress levels can improve endothelial health, which can help get those blood pressure numbers in check.
- Get plenty of sleep and rest. Inadequate sleep can result in high blood pressure and elevated blood sugar levels. It also impacts hormone levels and negatively affects the secretory functions of the endothelium, including NO production. So, more sleep and rest equals healthier blood pressure levels.
- Laugh more! Researchers at the University of Maryland School of Medicine in Baltimore found that laughter causes the endothelium to dilate or expand in order to increase blood flow. Laughter and happiness are good for your life—and your blood pressure.
A healthy endothelium is necessary to lowering blood pressure. Do you have suggestions, advice or a personal story to share? If so, please take a moment to comment below.
Move More—Physical Inactivity Can Kill You
By Dr. Andrew Myers • March 5, 2014 • Simple Health
Globally, about 31 percent of the population is not moving enough. Here are some startling facts about physical inactivity:
- Insufficient physical activity results in approximately 3.2 million deaths each year.
- A sedentary lifestyle, poor diet and nutrition, and increased tobacco usage are the leading causes of chronic diseases globally, with the exception of sub-Sahara Africa, where infectious diseases like AIDS are the leading cause.
- Most of the chronic diseases that are caused by poor lifestyle choices—including physical inactivity—are 100 percent preventable.
- People who are physically active for about seven hours a week are 40 percent less likely to die early than those who are active less than 30 minutes per week.
Clearly, getting active is a healthy choice, especially when combined with a healthy diet and not smoking. To get a thorough understanding of the subject, though, let’s take a look at how inactivity impacts the body.
Why Movement Matters
We all know that movement, whether it’s vigorous exercise or a morning walk around the block, can help you maintain a healthy weight. Since obesity is a precursor to many diseases, it is an important link to understand. If you really look at the biological effects of inactivity, you’ll find a connection to many other conditions. In fact, leading a sedentary lifestyle increases all causes of mortality; doubles the risk of cardiovascular diseases, obesity and diabetes; and increases the risks of high blood pressure, colon cancer, lipid disorders, osteoporosis, depression and anxiety.
Of particular importance is the impact of physical inactivity on the cardiovascular system, since the heart is responsible for pumping blood to nourish the entire body. Physical activity creates shear stress within the arteries, stimulating the endothelium—the organ that lines the 100,000 miles of blood vessels in your body—to create a critical molecule called Nitric Oxide (NO). This signaling molecule triggers the arteries to dilate (widen), allowing blood to flow more effectively throughout the body. Inactivity, on the other hand, causes a drop in NO production, which impacts blood flow. Since the arteries aren’t able to widen to the same degree, blood puts more pressure on the arterial walls as it circulates through the body. This results in high blood pressure—a leading risk factor for heart disease.
When you move, your blood pumps faster, increasing NO production. It’s true physical activity impacts weight, but its impact goes deeper by decreasing the chance for dysfunction and disease.
My advice? Get moving. Even if you’ve never exercised a day in your life, you can start today and change the path of your life. For suggestions on incorporating movement into your life, read my blog post, “Move Your Body: Take Steps Toward Fitness.” And if you have tips for getting active, please comment below.
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Ask the Doctors: Am I Predisposed to Heart Disease?
By Dr. Lou Ignarro • March 11, 2014 • Your Questions Answered
Heart disease runs in my family. Am I genetically predisposed to developing cardiovascular disease, or are there steps I can take to avoid it?
With an estimated 23.3 million people dying annually from heart disease worldwide by 2030, heart health is an important focus for everyone. If you have multiple people in your family who have suffered from heart disease, it might feel like you’re destined for the same fate. But while genetics do play a role, lifestyle matters much more. In most cases, you get to decide what your genes are going to do. Even if you have a predisposition for dysfunction of the cardiovascular system, good lifestyle habits will usually keep your risk to a minimum.
First, think about your family members who have unfortunately developed cardiovascular disease. Were they overweight? Did they smoke? Did they eat high-fat foods or get less than the recommended 2.5 hours of exercise per week? Did they lead stressful lives? If the answer is yes to any of those questions, there were lifestyle factors contributing to the development of your family members’ heart disease—and that means you can make different decisions to likely lead to a different outcome.
The first step you can take is managing your weight. If many of your family members are overweight, your genes may be wired so that it’s more difficult to maintain a healthy weight. In fact, new research from the University of California, Irvine points to evidence that some humans may produce heavier offspring (due to exposure to certain common chemicals and other factors), and that the effects might be permanent in later generations. Certain people have to work harder than others to keep off weight.
That doesn’t mean you can’t stay at a healthy weight; it just means you need to be more intentional about weight loss or maintenance. And two of the things that help you reach a healthy weight—exercise and a balanced diet—also happen to be two important strategies that help keep the heart healthy. Managing your stress levels and getting plenty of sleep and rest are other ways you can reduce your risk of heart disease. I also recommend supplementing with specific nutrients for heart support to complement a healthy diet.
The point is, knowing that you may have a genetic predisposition is important. But it’s more critical to focus on how your genetics are influenced by the lifestyle habits you practice.
Our Kids May Die Before Us: How to Combat the Heart-Health Stats
By Dr. Lou Ignarro • March 20, 2014 • Cardio Corner with Dr. Ignarro
Children today are in grave danger.
But it’s not accidents or injuries we need to worry about—it’s their
diets and lack of movement. Because of sedentary lifestyles and poor nutrition,
today’s youth may be the first generation ever to die before their
parents, according to a study conducted by the British Heart Foundation.And these findings aren’t just limited to the U.K. In America, the statistics are just as grim:
- In the past 30 years, childhood obesity has more than doubled in children and tripled in adolescents.
- Nearly 18 percent of children and adolescents were considered obese in 2010 (the most recent data available).
- Over one-third of children and adolescents were classified as overweight and obese in 2010.
- About 70 percent of obese youth had at least one risk factor for cardiovascular disease, according to a population sample of 5- to 17-year-olds.
- Obese youth are more likely to develop diabetes, bone and joint problems, sleep apnea, and psychological issues like poor self-esteem.
- Obese children can show endothelial dysfunction—a precursor to heart disease—as early as the first decade of life.
What’s Happening?
In generations past, parents prepared healthy, whole-food meals, kids played outside with neighbors until sundown, and families went for walks after supper. Today, with the added demands on our schedules, unhealthy food choices are often dictated by time, convenience and cost; once the day’s activities are done, families tend to sit down in front of a screen. Many parents and children are disconnected, overweight, and setting the foundation for disease and dysfunction later in life.
Yes, obesity is challenging in and of itself. But its detrimental effects extend beyond body image, lack of energy and other difficulties. Obesity leads to metabolic syndrome, which leads to Type 2 diabetes and, eventually, heart disease. This process can start as early as infancy.
Traditionally, Type 2 diabetes has been known as “adult onset” because it occurs later in life as a result of lifestyle choices. Now, however, the medical community is rethinking the term. More and more children are being diagnosed with this condition—simply because they’re not moving enough or getting the nutrients their bodies need.
How to Help Your Child
The great news about endothelial health—the basis of heart health—is that dysfunction and disease can be reversed. To do that, we need to get back to the old ways. Whole foods, lots of movement, low stress levels, and plenty of sleep and rest are what your child needs to set the foundation for a life of health and happiness.
Whether your child is 1 month or 17 years old, you still have the parental power to influence her life for the better. And parenting doesn’t stop when children move out, so it’s important to be a positive force in your child’s life by encouraging healthy living—and living healthy, yourself. For more on raising healthier kids, I recommend the site Let’s Move!, which offers great advice for families looking to get healthy together and especially for parents looking for strategies to improve their child’s health.
What steps do you take to keep your kids healthy? Please share with me in the comments
Popcorn As a Health Food?
By The Health is Wealth Team • September 29, 2013 • Healthy Eating
- Popcorn is a whole grain; as such, it contains a great deal of fiber. Three cups of air-popped popcorn (a typical serving from a microwaveable bag) contains about 3.6 grams of fiber—more than 10 percent of the average daily fiber intake recommended by experts.
- It’s very filling while being low in calories. Three cups of air-popped popcorn contain less than 100 calories, while the same amount of oil-popped popcorn has about 120 calories. That’s without adding butter, of course.
- A study from the University of Scranton in Pennsylvania revealed that popcorn has higher levels of disease-preventing antioxidants called polyphenols than many fruits and vegetables.
Keep in mind that these health benefits apply to air-popped corn or popcorn made with minimal oil. Adding loads of butter and salt almost negates the benefits popcorn has for the body. But if you’re looking for healthier ways to snack, home-popped popcorn—topped with herbs and spices to add flavor—is a terrific alternative to chips or other unhealthy options.
Women and Heart Disease: Life-Saving Information You Need to Know
By Dr. Lou Ignarro • April 7, 2014 • Cardio Corner with Dr. Ignarro
What health issue are you most concerned about? When I ask this question of men, they tend to say heart disease or prostate cancer; women often respond with breast or skin cancer. Only one in five American women see cardiovascular disease (CVD) as the top threat to their health—and yet CVD kills more women than all cancers combined, according to the American Heart Association. The disease is a devastating worldwide killer, with an estimated 23.3 million dying annually from CVD by 2030. And CVD doesn’t just affect the sick and old—it can touch any age, which is why it’s so important to be educated about heart health, especially when you’re young.
Women are particularly vulnerable to dying from CVD. Consider these statistics:
- When a woman under 50 has a heart attack or bypass surgery, she is twice as likely to die as a man.
- CVD kills one in three women, or one every minute. Comparably, breast cancer kills one in 31 women annually.
- Women are less likely to have traditional heart attack symptoms like the “elephant sitting on the chest” sensation, making it more difficult to identify a heart attack.
- Approximately 90 percent of women have one or more risk factors for developing heart disease.
- Women tend to develop CVD 10 years later than men, making survival less likely due to age. This increases the risk that they’ll have another disease that masks the symptoms of heart disease.
Wednesday, 2 April 2014
Mitzi K.
Tucson, AZ
I've lost over 60 lbs, I have tons of energy now. I'm feeling hopeful about reaching my health and fitness goals.
Income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation paid by Herbalife at and
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.
Two Big Medical Lies
29 November 2011 at 15:41
By Dr. Tony VendryesPublished: Tuesday | November 29, 20111
LIES CAN be very dangerous things, particularly when they relate to life and death issues. Unfortunately, deliberately or unconsciously, the medical industry (modern medicine is big business) has perpetuated a number of deceptions that have, over the years, resulted in unnecessary misery, suffering and untimely death to millions and millions of human beings.
Someone once said, "A lie unopposed becomes a truth". You see, the mind is so powerful that once you believe and buy into a lie, it becomes your truth. Many of us have been brainwashed into believing and accepting a number of statements about our health that are not factual. Today, I call to your attention two big and deadly medical lies.
Diabetes is incurable
In a recent visit to one of Jamaica's most prestigious hospitals, I entered a waiting room to be confronted by a large poster that proclaimed, "Diabetes cannot be cured". This is the official dogma of conventional mainstream medicine. I know this to be a lie, because I personally have scores of patients and friends who had been diagnosed with Type 2 diabetes and who no longer have any trace of the disease.
The epidemic of Type 2 diabetes (more than 95 per cent of all diabetics) is a lifestyle-related disorder that is extremely correctable with what the experts call lifestyle modification: diet, exercise and nutritional supplements. The medical literature carries many studies proving the superiority of diet and lifestyle changes over medication in treating this disorder. In a well-publicised research conducted at University of California, Los Angeles' School of Medicine, Type 2 diabetics completely reversed their diabetes in a few weeks with a few simple changes in their diet and physical activity.
This huge deception has been perpetrated by the $400-billion diabetes industry on the world's more than 300 million diabetics. Then health insurance companies (another arm of the medical industry) refuse to reimburse doctors for "patient education" about diet and lifestyle.
Educating and motivating diabetic patients takes more than the average eight-to-12-minute visits that modern doctors provide their patients. So doctors have no financial incentive to learn what really works because writing prescriptions pays better and involves less time and effort. Sadly, the current medical system is just not designed to help the body heal conditions like diabetes.
Cholesterol causes heart disease
Cholesterol is a soft, waxy fatty substance found in the bloodstream and in every single cell in your body. It is an extremely important substance used to build the membranes of the cells, and is needed for many other bodily functions, including the manufacture of our hormones and vitamin D.
It is not an enemy and we cannot exist without it. There is no evidence whatsoever that normal cholesterol floating around in the blood is harmful. It only becomes harmful when it is excessive and oxidised. A diet that is full of antioxidants protects cholesterol from the oxidation process that causes the damage.
Sadly, cholesterol has been made into a villain on the assumption that an elevation in blood cholesterol causes heart disease. Although there is an association between an elevation in one type of cholesterol in the blood and heart disease, many experts believe that this is not a cause and effect relationship. An indepth discussion of the issues is beyond the scope of this article, but consider this: despite the billions of dollars worth of cholesterol-lowering drugs consumed each year, there is no reduction in the incidence of heart disease, which continues to be the number-one cause of death worldwide.
Elevated cholesterol can be considered at best a secondary risk factor for heart disease, but yet tremendous profits continue to be made from selling expensive and dangerous cholesterol-lowering drugs. Most of the people who suffer heart attacks have normal blood-cholesterol levels, while many with high cholesterol never have a heart attack.
In most cases, elevated blood cholesterol is simply your body sending you a signal that something is out of balance and appropriate modification in lifestyle will often solve the problem. Also, there are several natural non-toxic substances like soluble fibre, soy, green tea, garlic and vitamin B3 (niacin) that safely help to balance cholesterol.
There is another test that is a far better predictor of risk for heart disease than cholesterol. Medical research published in The British Medical Journal showed that a simple blood test for a substance called homocysteine is a more useful indicator of your chance of dying from a heart attack.
So why has this not been given the publicity that cholesterol has got? I suspect that it is because high homocysteine levels can be easily corrected by taking a few inexpensive vitamins: B6, B12 and folic acid. No expensive prescription drugs are needed. By the way, elevated homocysteine also increases your risk of Alzheimer's disease
JaKenya L.
Stone Mountain, GA
When I first started using Herbalife products I lost weight drinking the shake, multi-vitamins and cell activator. I saw results and started working out just a bit more. The results you can see in the picture. It's a lifestyle for sure.
Income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation paid by Herbalife at and
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.
Lena R.
Lake Zurich, IL
Before Herfalife I just had my second baby and gained 42 pounds. I was always tired and withot energy to play with my 4 year old son and take care of my baby daugther. I started to eat the products and within a month my energy levels got noticeable better after 6 months, I had lost 53 lbs. My energy levels went through the roof and my kids were very happy with their newly found active Mom. I went from size 14 to size 4 (which I had never been size 4 in my life!). I feel AMAZING. Thanks to Herbalife now we have a healthier and more active lifestyle in our home.
Income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation paid by Herbalife at and
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

Did u know Toxins causes Weight Gain and illness to ur body!:O Detox Ur Body wid..... Herbalife FIBRE & HERB (detox) 180 tablets- Known As "The Broom" dat sweeps toxins off ur body!!! - cleansers to allow your body to absorb nutrition for maximum nutritional support - Removes years of toxins/waste/over medications - Increases weightloss - Regulates bowel/ Great 4 Constipation - Rich in Fibres that can benefit the whole body -Helps maintain a healthy digestive system *********************

TEST ONE: Stick your "generic" brand of Fish Oil in the freezer alongside Herbalife's Fish Oil and leave overnight. Pure Oil does not freeze. If the product is not 100% oil it will become solid. While the generic brand becomes hard the Herbalife fish oil is still squishy. Boom.
TEST TWO: Fill a styrofome cup halfway up with warm water, break open a Herbalife Fish Oil and drop it in. The oils will settle near the top. FUN FACT!! Styrofome is one of the closest consistencies to cholesterol found inside the heart. And what is Fish Oil's purpose? To help with cholesterol!!! The line of oil at the top of the water will have eaten away at the styrofome cup and it's easily pulled apart, showing that Herbalifeline does its job in breaking down cholesterol and allowing your body to get rid of it. Just another cool way to show the insane quality of our products!!!
Our Heart Health line is second to none. Nobel Prize Laureate Dr. Ignarro designs, develops and endorses our Heart Health products.
Herbalifeline "Brain Food" for Adults & Kidz: (60 Tab)
Why Omega fish Oil with DHA & EHA?
* Enhances heart health
* Maintains healthy cholesterol and triglyceride levels
* Omega- 3 have been linked with prevention and treatment in a whole host of health problems,
* issues with memories, preserve ur memory - preserves intellectual function and develop children's brains.
* High Cholesterol/ High blood pressure
* Diabetis / Obesity
* Arthritis/joints pain/Osteoporosis
* Breast, Colon & Prostrate Cancer
* Depression/Bipolar disorders/ Moods
* Schizophrenia/ ADHD
* Burns/ Skin disorders
* Asthma
* inflammatory bowel disease
* Eyes
A Must In Every1s Diet!
Sakz Shaik
Independent Herbalife Distributor
0318377330(w)/ 0765271432/Pin:26519473

Did u know Toxins causes Weight Gain and illness to ur body!:O Detox Ur Body wid..... Herbalife FIBRE & HERB (detox) 180 tablets- Known As "The Broom" dat sweeps toxins off ur body!!! - cleansers to allow your body to absorb nutrition for maximum nutritional support - Removes years of toxins/waste/over medications - Increases weightloss - Regulates bowel/ Great 4 Constipation - Rich in Fibres that can benefit the whole body -Helps maintain a healthy digestive system *** I lost 99.8kg in 19months!

Read wot harm soda does to ur body.... Alternatively Herbalife Aloe Concentrate Drink
Benefits: * Soothes the stomach & relieves indigestion/heart burn * cleanse the digestive system * improves nutrient absorbtion * great fatburner increases weightloss by 40% * contains Chamomile Extract * help heal ulcers * help clear many kind of skin disease (psysorisis/exzema/acne) * Excellent for burns * Excellent nerve tonic used for headache, fever,muscle cramp, diaerohea, pain * Used in the treatment of rhe

Spend more get fat and sick that u can't move! miserable! No life! Spend less get shaped up and Healthy enjoy ur lifestyle of happiness and the ability to do anything! Who says herbalife is expensive! Buying junk is much more expensive then the medicals bills! Trust me I have been thru it I know ! I'm sure u do many of us need more time to reli admit it! But NO PROBLEM! U do see it eventually !!! Inshallah Allah forbid its too late! Sakz Shaik

Come on fitness athletes
Herbalife24 is a comprehensive nutrition line to meet the needs of an athlete 24-hours a day!
Herbalife Formula 1 Sport - Vanilla
(Banned substance tested)
*healthy meal replacement for athletes
*9g milk dairy protein (whey + casein: ideal for athletes) Immediate & sustained protein release
*1000mg L-glutamine (restores muscle) (amino acids)
*20 vitamins & minerals
*100% vitamins C & D
Increased vitamins to meet higher metabolic demands of athletes.
*mix with water or milk
Hydrate (advanced Hydration with Bioavailable Electrolytes)
*low cal - 1g sugar / 15 kcal serving
*naturally sweetened
*B & C vitamins
Provides: sodium citrate; sea salt; potassium gluconate; potassium phosphate; magnesium ascorbate; calcium lactate.
*you need it because you sweat: water, salt & minerals are lost
*vitamin B blend to support carbohydrate metabolism
(Sustain performance with Dual-source Carbohydrates and Electrolytes)
*provides 58g of dual-source blend of carbs for rapid & sustained energy
*carbs are the body's fuel during exercise
*proper fueling improves performance & speeds up recovery time
*carbohydrate blend - maltodextrin (fast release) & fructose (slow release)
*more calories utilized per hour = better performance & increased energy
*Provides: sodium; potassium; magnesium; calcium
- elevated electrolytes are critical to reduce cramping, maintain hydration & stabalise body temperature
*mix with water
Rebuild Endurance - Vanilla
(Glycogen Replacement & Muscle Recovery)
*aerobic athletes
*speeds recovery time
*replenishes glycogen stores
*14g Tri-core protein amino blend
*1000mg L-carnitine
*BCAAs - building blocks of muscle & support muscle growth
*160 calories
*mix with water
Sakz Shaik
Herbalife International Distributor
Are you on a good Multivitamin?
Did u Know =-? Poor eating habits, stressful lifestyles & pollutants can rob your body of vital nutrients, making u , LOW ENERGETIC, GAIN WEIGHT, EVEN WEIGHTLOSS & more difficult to reach your ideal weight. X_X
Protect yourself with Herbalife Multivitamin, which includes vitamins & minerals plus herbs that work synergistically to create a foundation for long-term good health.
(*) contains antioxidant factors beta-carotene, vitamin C, E & selenium, as well as chromium GTF, an essential mineral that can help keep your body healthy and fit.
Key Benefits:
(*) Essential nutrients & antioxidants for long term good health & vitality
(*) Supports healthy weight management
(*) Supply the nutrients you need to maintain healthy skin, bones, teeth & hair & to keep your immune system strong.
(*) Promotes good health: Calcium, magnesium & vitamin D have been shown to slow bone loss; folic acid taken in supplement form significantly promotes colon health; & supplementation with selenium promotes breast,prostate & colon health.
Fast Facts:
(*) Includes antioxidant vitamins C, E, beta-carotene & selenium, to help protect the cells from free-radical damage.*
(*) Supplies B vitamins, including folic acid, B6 and B12, which are essential for energy production & help maintain healthy homocysteine levels that are already within a normal range for cardiovascular health
(*) Studies show adequate amounts of folic acid help prevent neural tube defects in pregnant women
(*) contains a generous 133 mcg of folic acid per tablet.
No more B12 Injections/ Iron deficiency. This Multi V Has It All!
90 Tablets, 30 day supply
Sakz Shaik: 0312084108(w)/ 0765271432/ Pin:26519473
Delivery Countrywide
Did u Know =-? Poor eating habits, stressful lifestyles & pollutants can rob your body of vital nutrients, making u , LOW ENERGETIC, GAIN WEIGHT, EVEN WEIGHTLOSS & more difficult to reach your ideal weight. X_X
Protect yourself with Herbalife Multivitamin, which includes vitamins & minerals plus herbs that work synergistically to create a foundation for long-term good health.
(*) contains antioxidant factors beta-carotene, vitamin C, E & selenium, as well as chromium GTF, an essential mineral that can help keep your body healthy and fit.
Key Benefits:
(*) Essential nutrients & antioxidants for long term good health & vitality
(*) Supports healthy weight management
(*) Supply the nutrients you need to maintain healthy skin, bones, teeth & hair & to keep your immune system strong.
(*) Promotes good health: Calcium, magnesium & vitamin D have been shown to slow bone loss; folic acid taken in supplement form significantly promotes colon health; & supplementation with selenium promotes breast,prostate & colon health.
Fast Facts:
(*) Includes antioxidant vitamins C, E, beta-carotene & selenium, to help protect the cells from free-radical damage.*
(*) Supplies B vitamins, including folic acid, B6 and B12, which are essential for energy production & help maintain healthy homocysteine levels that are already within a normal range for cardiovascular health
(*) Studies show adequate amounts of folic acid help prevent neural tube defects in pregnant women
(*) contains a generous 133 mcg of folic acid per tablet.
No more B12 Injections/ Iron deficiency. This Multi V Has It All!
90 Tablets, 30 day supply
Sakz Shaik: 0312084108(w)/ 0765271432/ Pin:26519473
Delivery Countrywide
George G.
McAllen , TX
Hello,my name is George. I've been taking this amazing nutrition every day for the past three years. I can't go a day without my shake or tea or tablets. I started taking Herbalife 3 years ago. I lost 45lbs been maintaining ever since gained a lot of energy! I love waking up and feeling energetic all day I love Herbalife, I will be taking it forever.
Income applicable to the individuals (or examples) depicted and not average. For average financial performance data, see the Statement of Average Gross Compensation paid by Herbalife at and
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.
An extensive questionnaire generated responses from more than 200 U.S. Independent Herbalife Members about their weight-loss programs and results. They reported weight loss ranging from 4 pounds to 167 pounds and a reduced body mass index (BMI) of 1.5 points to 24.1 points, suggesting that consumption of Herbalife® products is associated with weight loss and improvement in BMI in those ranges.

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Is ur Body fat % in proportion to ur body weight?
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Is ur Body fat % in proportion to ur body weight?
Get Ur Free Private & Confidential Full Body Composition Analysis With Sakz Shaik:
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*Body Water(Hydration level)
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*Biological Age(how fast r u aging)
*Bone Mass(how strong r ur bones) *Visceral Fat(fat around ur organs)
*Customise meal plans
Leticia M.
Norwalk, CA
When I started herbalife I didn't expected the big change, I learned how to drink water, also learned about calories and how to eat healthy, exercise everyday. Now im more happy then before, I feel more confident with myself. I like it now that people telling me that I look skinny, also people asking what is it that im doing to look the good, my answer is Herbalife teach me how to eat, to drink water, and exercise. Im in love with Herbalife.
Norwalk, CA
When I started herbalife I didn't expected the big change, I learned how to drink water, also learned about calories and how to eat healthy, exercise everyday. Now im more happy then before, I feel more confident with myself. I like it now that people telling me that I look skinny, also people asking what is it that im doing to look the good, my answer is Herbalife teach me how to eat, to drink water, and exercise. Im in love with Herbalife.
Aching Joints?
Do you “feel it in your bones” when the weather starts to build? Under ur feet ache or your knees. Does ur shoulders tighten up?
Did u know High Visceral Fats(around ur organs)sends a signal to your bones causing decaying of our bones causing loss of bone mass leading to Osteoporosis! Scary!
Stiffness & discomfort is often the result of a lack of hydration in your joints. When you move, the bones rub together painfully instead of gliding in a smooth, easy motion.
So how do you get moisture into your “dehydrated” joints? It’s not the kind of dehydration that can be fixed with a tall glass of water.
Your joints need nutrients that can help lubricate and cushions joints & promotes a significant improvement in knee function & range of motion.
One thing you might be tempted to reach for is an over-the-counter pain reliever. But those can make your pain worse in the long run. These temporary pain relievers fool your body into thinking it doesn’t hurt anymore, but they don’t address the cause of your pain.
Sakz Shaik ☎ 0765271432
(W) 0312084108/9
Bbm pin: 26519473
Do you “feel it in your bones” when the weather starts to build? Under ur feet ache or your knees. Does ur shoulders tighten up?
Did u know High Visceral Fats(around ur organs)sends a signal to your bones causing decaying of our bones causing loss of bone mass leading to Osteoporosis! Scary!
Stiffness & discomfort is often the result of a lack of hydration in your joints. When you move, the bones rub together painfully instead of gliding in a smooth, easy motion.
So how do you get moisture into your “dehydrated” joints? It’s not the kind of dehydration that can be fixed with a tall glass of water.
Your joints need nutrients that can help lubricate and cushions joints & promotes a significant improvement in knee function & range of motion.
One thing you might be tempted to reach for is an over-the-counter pain reliever. But those can make your pain worse in the long run. These temporary pain relievers fool your body into thinking it doesn’t hurt anymore, but they don’t address the cause of your pain.
Sakz Shaik ☎ 0765271432
(W) 0312084108/9
Bbm pin: 26519473
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